On March 1, the Kapawe’no First Nation announced it located what appears to be 169 potential graves at the former Grouard Mission site. This is the first such discovery in Alberta but many more students remain missing and sadly, it will likely not be the last. Our hearts are with every family searching for answers as to what happened to the children who were taken and never returned.

As a Division, we continue to stand in support of everyone harmed by the Canadian residential school system. Elk Island Public Schools has undertaken programs and initiatives based on respect, co-operation and partnership that embrace Indigenous teachings, heritage and contributions to enhance our understanding. As news of the finding reminds us, however, the work has only just begun and we must continue striving to understand the full truth of what occurred at residential schools so we can continue on the path of reconciliation and healing.

Elk Island Public Schools

NOTE: The National Indian Residential School Crisis Line is available for former residential school students and includes emotional and crisis referral services. Services are available around the clock and can be accessed by calling 1-866 925-4419.