Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open!
To register for kindergarten in the 2024-25 school year, your child must be five years old on or before Dec. 31, 2024.
To register for kindergarten in the 2024-25 school year, your child must be five years old on or before Dec. 31, 2024.
Starting school is an exciting time, for both children and parents. Although exciting, it can also be daunting if you don’t have the information you need. To help, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) has put together an online Kindergarten Toolkit to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Kindergarten Toolkit
EIPS kindergarten classrooms provide literacy-rich, play-based programming and are staffed by dedicated, early childhood teachers and qualified educational assistants.
All EIPS schools offers alternating full-day programming. Children attend two full-days a week, and occasionally, three days a week, to meet the required 475 instructional hours. During registration, families have the opportunity to indicate their preferred schedule for the coming school year. Parents are reminded their preferred schedule choices are not guaranteed. The determination of which schools offer each schedule, or if a school is able to offer both, is based on enrolment and won't be made until after registration is complete.
All early learners have access to an enhanced supports team, which consists of speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, educational assistants, consultants and specialists.
Second-Language Programs
To build skills for an increasingly global world, EIPS offers French Immersion programming and two language and culture programs, which start in kindergarten:
• French Immersion
Ardrossan Elementary, Ardrosson
École Campbelltown, Sherwood Park
Heritage Hills Elementary, Sherwood Park
École Parc Élémentaire, Fort Saskatchewan
• German Language and Culture
Mills Haven Elementary, Sherwood Park
• Ukrainian Language and Culture
A.L. Horton Elementary, Vegreville
Christian Programs
EIPS provides Christian programs in kindergarten in Fort Saskatchewan and Sherwood Park. The programming offers students a Christ-centred, biblically directed education, based on the Alberta Program of Studies (K-12).
• Alternative Christian
Fort Saskatchewan Christian, Fort Saskatchewan
SCA Elementary, Sherwood Park
• Logos Christian
Brentwood Elementary, Sherwood Park
NOTE: Additional transportation fees may apply for alternative kindergarten programs.
If you have a child starting kindergarten in the near future, check out these helpful resources:
Parent involvement is a key component in the success of a child's education. If you are a parent or guardian of an EIPS kindergarten child, there are many ways you can get involved in your school community, such as joining the School Council at your school, volunteering at your child’s school and by staying in touch with your child’s teacher.