Elk Island Public Schools invited all parents/guardians, students, staff, and interested community members to provide feedback on the proposed Bruderheim boundary options at one of two open house sessions.
Bruderheim School
November 6 or 7
5:00-8:00 p.m.
These events followed a drop-in format, allowing participants to review and provide written feedback about the strengths and challenges of six proposed Bruderheim boundary map options (three elementary options and three junior/senior high options). Feedback on the options was collected using both paper and online surveys. A total of 56 surveys were completed (paper: 26 completed; online: 30 completed).
We invite you to review the thematic summary of the feedback collected through the paper and online surveys. This summary will be included in the complete Board Report presented at the December 19 Board Meeting, and trustees have also received a verbatim copy of all feedback collected.