Sent to all PALS to Grade 11 families who haven't yet completed the Returning Student Registration Form
Reminders sent on February 12, 15, 20 and 21


Hello EIPS families,

This is a reminder to complete your child’s 2024-25 returning student registration by February 21.

All current PALS to Grade 11 students in EIPS must complete the returning student registration process—whether they're continuing in the same school and program, or moving to a new school or program next year:

  • if you'd like your child to attend your designated school next year;
  • if you'd like to apply to have your child attend a non-designated school or program next year; or
  • if your child will not return to EIPS next year.

Be sure to review the next year grade, anticipated school and anticipated program at the top of the form carefully. If any one or more of those fields don't match what you'd like to request for the coming year, select "This student is requesting a different school or program" in the drop-down menu. You’ll then select the applicable school and program combination from the next drop-down menu. This is particularly relevant for students interested in a specific alternative program within the Division.

If you have any questions about the form or registration in general, contact your school directly.

Thank you,
Elk Island Public Schools