All returning student registration forms will come out to your inboxes today. The system used for generating and sending all these forms does just take some time to process and send 16,000+ message. If you haven't yet received the form from Permission Click, check your inbox again later today.

Returning student registration is not a first-come, first-served process, so there's no rush to get your form submitted right away. All forms received by the deadline—February 21—are considered equally. 

Be sure to review the next year grade, anticipated school and anticipated program on the returning student registration form you receive. If any one or more of those fields don't match what you'd like to request for the coming year, select "This student is requesting a different school or program" in the drop-down menu. You will then select the applicable school and program combination from the next drop-down menu that appears. 

This is particularly relevant for students interested in applying to a specific alternative program within the Division. 

When you do receive your form, if you have any questions, contact your child's school when offices reopen next week.