Summary of Feedback
During the four staff and public participation meetings conducted by Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) in May regarding the Re-Imagining our Sherwood Park Schools project, participants explored specific options that came out of the first round of conversations in greater detail.
The information collected at the May staff and public participation meetings and shared below is a combined summary of all participants’ input. All staff, parents, community members, and Strathcona County councillors within urban Sherwood Park and rural Strathcona County were invited to participate. A total of 15 staff members and 118 parents and community members participated in these meetings to provide feedback on the following six key areas:
- Exploring other grade configurations
- Before and after school care: Maximizing opportunities
- K-9 French Immersion and K-9 Logos Christian programs: Locations and grade configurations
- Moving boundaries: Criteria to consider
- Grandfathering: Criteria to consider
- Criteria for making decisions on recommendations: Feedback for trustees