We’re very excited to welcome your child and family to kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year. 

Many caregivers have questions around preparing their child for their kindergarten experience. To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) and Strathcona County have partnered to create a five-week series of information and resources for all Division families. 

Strathcona County’s Family Resource Network and Mental Health Capacity Building team have prepared a series of videos to help children self-regulate. Each week, you and your child will meet a new, fun character who talks about different emotions and provides strategies to manage difficult-to-have feelings. The EIPS Early Learning team will share information and suggestions for caregivers on specific developmental topics such as language development, motor-skill progressions and self-help skills. 

We encourage you to visit the EIPS website and check out the additional resources available to support caregivers.