Thank you to everyone who attended last night’s public engagement session about the Division’s French Immersion program. At the meeting, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) shared and collected feedback on a potential solution for the program—one that addresses retention, anticipated enrolment pressures and balancing elementary enrolment.

A Potential Solution: EIPS French Immersion

If you couldn’t make the public engagement session, that’s OK. You can still submit input by completing the online EIPS French Immersion Engagement Survey: Phase 3. It’s also open to anyone who attended the meeting and wants to provide more feedback.

Take the Survey Now!
Survey closes April 24
Also available at
NOTE: The survey is anonymous and takes roughly five to 10 minutes to complete.

To help provide feedback, below are some background documents:

Once all the input is submitted, EIPS will use the feedback gathered to inform next steps and further develop the potential solution. Then, in June, EIPS will present a report to the Board of Trustees about the French Immersion engagement efforts. Any Board-approved changes will take effect in the 2024-25 or 2025-26 school years, at the earliest. Again, before making a decision, the EIPS Board will review all relevant data and the feedback gathered through the engagement efforts.

As always, EIPS will keep school families updated as the process progresses.