As you know, Elk Island Public Schools is exploring changes to the Logos program to ensure it continues providing a high-quality educational experience to students. To determine the best possible solution for addressing the enrolment decline, EIPS consulted the Logos school community, using a two-phased engagement approach, between June and October of 2022. Earlier today, at the December EIPS Board meeting, the Division presented all the feedback collected from the public engagement efforts to the Board of Trustees. EIPS encourages everyone to review the Board report and What We Heard Report: Phase 2.

NOTE: For background and related information, visit

As previously communicated, the Division has postponed a final decision about Logos programming until after the returning student registration process takes place in February 2023. The delay allows the Board to see the actual registration numbers for Logos in 2023-24, and it gives the Logos community the time they asked for to promote the program leading up to the returning student registration process. Once the process closes, the Board will review all the Logos enrolment numbers and make a final decision about the program in mid-March.

Whatever decision is made, the Board will ensure it’s in the best educational interests of all students. EIPS will also support the Elk Island Logos Society in developing an enrolment growth strategy to guide the program’s long-term viability, including benchmarking and growth targets.

The 2023-24 returning student registration process takes place February 1-28. Make sure you register your child where you want them to attend, so the Division has accurate numbers. Don’t register based on an assumption of what you think might happen.

If registrations increase significantly, EIPS will recommend the Board keep the elementary program unchanged at both Brentwood Elementary and Westboro Elementary. If registrations stay relatively flat, EIPS will recommend the Board consolidate the elementary program at Brentwood Elementary, starting in 2023-24. If this happens, you’ll have an opportunity to confirm or change the school and program you want your child to attend for the upcoming school year.

EIPS will continue to review all elementary and junior high Logos program locations and their sustainability on an ongoing basis.

Thank you again for your participation in the public engagement efforts. EIPS will continue to keep the Logos community informed as information becomes available. For more information, or to subscribe for updates, visit